Basel Biometric Society (BBS): Upcoming events

Upcoming events

Date Event Type of event Agenda Registration Comment
25.03.2025 BBS Meeting on Covariate adjustment in clinical trials Seminar Agenda Registration
19.03.2025 BBS webinar on From Statistical Innovations to Common Practice, How to innovate with impact? Webinar Agenda Registration
28.02.2025 BBS Next Generation Monthly Lunch Networking Registration
20.02.2025 BBS Next Generation Mentoring Program: What is mentoring, how is it different from coaching, and is it for me? Seminar Agenda Registration for the event

Application for mentors

Application for mentees (will open after the event)

46th annual conference of the ISCB, 2025

The 46th annual conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) is jointly organized with the Basel Biometric Society (BBS) and takes place from August 24th to 28th, 2025. For more information, please consult the conference webpage.